Not a regular source of scurrilous rumours, today's Independent newspaper has City striker Dean Ashton heading to newly wealthy Portsmouth in a £7million deal.
Pompey are expecting a huge cash injection to help their fight against relegation, with 30-year-old Alexandre Gaydamark, son of controversial Russian businessman Arkady Gaydamark, set to invest anywhere from £70 to £200 million on playing staff at Fratton Park, depending on who you believe.
The Independent's Jason Burt believes that, should Redknapp be able to convince Ashton that Portsmouth can stay in the Premiership, £7million should be enough to prize away Norwich's top scorer. Burt says that Manchester City's failed bid in the summer was £6million, while Wigan had initially bid £5million.
The news will leave Canaries fans jealously hoping that Gaydamark fails the 'fit and proper person' test for investors in Englisgh clubs, or that Ashton feels his ambitions can be fulfilled at Carrow Road.